The Indian American
Colossus" Publisher: Sony PlayStation Platform: PlayStation 4 Price: $29.99 Rating: T for Teen Details: The original Shadow of the Colossus was released in 2005 on PlayStation 2, and it has always been one of the most highly regarded games. Now, thanks to Sony, the game has been rebuilt from the ground up using ultra-high- definition artwork. The result is extraordinary. Players take on the role of Wander, who is on an epic quest to resurrect his beloved. A mysterious voice tells him to roam the Forgotten Lands in search of Colossi. When Wander defeats all 16 Colossi, his love will live again. What makes the game amazing to play is the sheer size of the Colossi. They tower over our hero. One misstep and you're dead. Each Colossi has a unique weak point, and it's up to the player to figure out where it is and how to defeat it. Playing more like a movie than a video game, Shadow of the Colossus should be experienced by everyone. - "Spyro Reignited Trilogy" Publisher: Activision Platform: Xbox One and PlayStation 4 Price: $39.99 (Available November 13) Rating: E10+ Details: Spyro came out 20 years ago, and this is the HD remastered collection of Spyro's first three games: "Spyro the Dragon," "Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage!" and "Spyro: Year of the Dragon." At its heart, Spyro games are plat- formers. As a cute dragon, "Shadow of the Colossus." Photo: Sony PlayStation "Super Mario Party." Photo: Nintendo of America 28 THE INDIAN AMERICAN OCTOBER-DECEMBER 2018
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