The Indian American

Recent Income tax return docu- • ments and W-2 forms Mortgage documents, payments • related information or documents Any contract documents • To do before funeral: - Contact the immediate family: Inform all key family members about the death and discuss the funeral arrangements as per the deceased’s wishes if any. - Notify close friends and extended family: Notify as many people as you can by finding out contacts through email accounts and personal phone contact lists of the deceased, if needed take any help from friends and family. - Secure property: Lock up the deceased’s home and park the vehicle in a secured area. If home is going to be vacant for a while notify the police, landlord or property manager. If there are pets, have someone care them until permanent arrangements being made. - Organ or body donation instructions: If you know your spouse’s last wish was to donate the body or organ(s) – inform the hospital authorities immediately to make proper arrangements. If you are not certain, always check the deceased’s driver's license, any living will or health care proxy for any details exist. - Choose a funeral home: If the deceased has no choice of funeral home or haven’t made prepaid funeral servic- es, it will be family’s choice to decide a funeral home. - Contact funeral home director: Use instructions that your loved one might have left or the earlier family discussion to guide many decisions to be made. The director can help in answering the below questions -- Get 20 to 25 copies of your spouse's • death certificates in original. The funeral director can help with get- ting copies of death certificate (many financial institutions require original death certificates) Will the body be embalmed? • Will there be a casket? Will it be • open or closed? Will there be viewing for family and • friends? Or only for family? Eulogy from family and friends? Will body be buried or cremated? If • cremated - will the ashes be scat- tered? If the ashes are deposited in an urn, will it be placed in a mau- soleum? Where is the burial or cremation • site? Deceased Photo with a frame on an • aisle stand? Flower arrangements? Sign-in Guest book? Do religious traditions need to be • respected and followed? Will there be contributions to chari- • ties in lieu of flowers? - Any financial assistance needed for the final rites? Churches, temples, mosques, employer(s), non-profit organizations, trusts, foundation etc. may help financially - Arrange for headstone: Depending on the family traditions and customs if headstone is needed, you can purchase it through the cemetery or from an out- side vendor. Consult the cemetery about rules, regulations and specifica- tions such as color, size etc. -Prepare an obituary: The funeral home may help with this service or you may 11 THE INDIAN AMERICAN OCTOBER-DECEMBER 2018